Renata SetteDirector


Renata Sette is a director, screenwriter, researcher and producer, graduated in Journalism at PUC-Minas, with a university extension in Cinema at The School of Fine Arts of UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais)and in Barcelona, ​​at the Institut Superior de Disseny I Escola de la Image (IDEP).


She began her career as a producer at Rede Minas de Televisão, a repeater for TV Cultura in Belo Horizonte. After that, at Intervalo Cine&Video, she worked as an editor and assistant director for programs at Canal Futura.

In the beginning, she went through different sectors of the production process until she reached direction: producer, editor, assistant director, screenwriter and director.

Already living in São Paulo, from 2012 to 2015, she directed the documentaries “Outro Olhar” (“Another Look”) and “Outro Olhar, Convivendo com a Diferença” (“Another Look, Living with Difference”), about inclusion of people with Down Syndrome, by Maria Farinha Filmes, both shown by the UN. She also directed “A Luta Continua, Um Documentário em 12 Rounds (“The Fight Continues, A Documentary in 12 Rounds”) for ESPN. Her films are on the VideoCamp Platform – Filmes que Transformam, TV Cultura, ESPN and TV Brasil.


In 2016 she won “Best International Director” for her short film Anthropos at PortoFashionFilm Festival, in Portugal. Her last short film “Um Lugar Quase Igual Aqui” (“Somewhere Almost Like Here”) from 2019, was produced by her and Manjericão Filmes and it is in the process of distribution contracts for streaming.


From 2019 to 2020, Renata worked along with Square Zero Films from NY and Viva Films Rio, on the project “Mulheres Empreendedoras ao Redor do Mundo” (“Female Entrepreneurs Around the World”). This project encompasses five short films by five directors from Brazil, USA, Croatia, India and Lebanon that resulted in a feature film about women who built companies that, in addition to being successful, also elevate and transform the community where they live. Renata directed Brazil’s film.


She is currently researching through disciplines from the Graduate Program in Audiovisual Means and Processes at ECA-USP, the immersion provided by virtual reality that drives a review of cinematographic enunciation and the subject's new place: how we are placed in front of the screen in a dark room and how we are placed within the story based on VR devices and their narrative possibilities. It investigates the use of technologies in raising awareness of social and political issues in an attempt to understand possibilities of motivating the public to look at these issues.

Renata has just completed the telefilm “Comadres” (“Godmothers”) for Globo Filmes. The film is a result of a pitching between projects in Minas Gerais, it is a drama that makes a metaphor of the polarized Brazil in the recent years to tell the story of redemption of two enemies neighboring ladies in a small town in Minas Gerais.


Other current projects, such as the documentary “Ela Não Volta” (“She’s not coming back”), on the issue of femicide in Brazil, is in the research and pre-production phase, after being contemplated by PROAC contest 2022, and the feature film “O Homem Mínimo” (“The Minimum Man”), about prison injustice in Brazil, is in the fundraising phase in Brazil and abroad. Both are produced by Manjericão Filmes.